Joanna Strober, wife of Jason Strober, is one of two authors of Getting to 50/50, a book about how to make dual-career households and relationships successful. While Joanna Strober has spent her career as an attorney, a buyout investor, and in private equity, Jason Strober is a software entrepreneur. Together, the couple has three children.

Getting to 50/50 may appeal to both men and women, as it is about how to attain success in all levels of a relationship when both parties have careers, including the mental, home, and physical aspects. The book has been mentioned by the Washington Post, the New York Times, Fortune Magazine, and Business Week, among other prominent publications. One of the more interesting tidbits of Strober’s research is that couples who have dual careers and share household work are happier, both with themselves and with their relationship. Learn more about Getting to 50/50 at